Opera Speed Dial

Its been ages since I installed Opera (latest version 9.2), the last time being a year back. Reason : Firefox outclassed Opera in many features ( even though Firefox COPIED मान्य concepts from Opera like mouse gestures & more ), now ruling in the form of extensions and plug-ins. I started using Opera way back in 2000 (think it was version 6) and was a die-hard fan until Firefox released 1.0. Since then, Firefox has ruled my web-browser. But, something struck me today and felt like going back the glory days of Opera. So, decided to install Opera version 9.2 and vola one more surprise. Check this out...! This feature is called Speed Dial ....something similar to the speed dial on your mobile phone. Very, very interesting and whats more, they have restricted it only to 9 web pages. The Speed Dial window displays when you open a new tab. Opera is sure fun...just drag & drop!