Tuesday Teacher - Lightning Photography

For a change, wanted to write as it's been a while being an ex-technical writer and test if my TW spirit is alive! So, why not share my experience on on Light'N'ing photography which is extremely risky to say the least, am sure not many will relate to this but still  
  • Keep a watch on your city weather forecast, wait for monsoon obviously! 
  • Find a decent spot in your vicinity to capture the streaks. Avoid terrace and open areas at all cost as it is extremely dangerous. Preferably, a small enclosed balcony or window from your room should suffice. 
  • Caution: This is not Diwali or fireworks show, you are dealing with nature's fury. Handle yourself with care! 
  • Warning: You are a human, not a lightning conductor on buildings or the Flash from Avengers! 

  • DSLR / mirrorless camera as it has the required functions. Point & shoot camera might work but not sure how it fairs. 
  • 18-55mm or wide-angle lens (10-20mm, 11-16mm). A 35/50mm fixed prime lens might do wonders if you figure the exact target point. 
  • Tripod should do but may not be useful if you are shooting from a window with lot of grills. A flexible tripod (Joby Gorillapod) would be very handy! 
  • Wired / wireless remote control if rely on the tripod than your hands. 
  • 1 GB memory card (minimum) but if you plan to take long exposure of 100+ frames, 8 GB or above is recommended. 
  • Caution: For heaven's sake, please don't use mobile camera, it's more dangerous than standing on the rooftop. More so, don’t be stupid to click a selfie with the thunderbolt. It could be your last selfie on earth  
  • Precaution: Tinted sunglasses / goggles to protect your eye, and cotton buds if you don’t like the sweet sound of thunder! 

Human Element
  • Keep your ears wide open than the camera lens, listen to the Thunder as it comes before the lightning. Many people still don’t know which one comes first, the lightning or the thunder, much like the egg-chicken dilemma. Well, you have to be completely deaf to not hear the decibels of nature!  
  • Observe few potential areas you are seeing considerable action including some dark patches of clouds, although the success ratio of narrowing the place of the lightning is 0.0001%. This is the most critical. If you are prepared for this, go for it! 
  • Don't directly start shooting, it won't make sense! 
  • Tons of patience, steady hands, eye coordination, slow breathing (i.e., if you are not relying on a tripod). In a nutshell, this is me!  
  • Tip: For self-motivation, sing the song 'Thunder, feel the thunder, Lightning and the thunder...' by Imagine Dragons 

Lights, Camera, Action
  • Dim the lights around you and FOCUS on the sky. Dare not to blink! 
  • Switch your camera to MANUAL mode, Spot Metering, ISO 100 for less noise, Aperture at F8 or 5.6, Shutter speed @ 30 seconds or BULB mode (depends on the duration you want to keep the shutter exposed to light). 
  • White balance to Fluorescent or cool lighting to get the blue/violet tinge! 
  • RAW mode if you plan to edit them later. If you don’t trust JPEG & can’t spend time editing RAW, try HDR! 
  • Switch the lens to MANUAL MODE and set the focus distance to Infinity. DO NOT USE AUTO MODE! 
  • Keep breathing until you press the shutter the nano second you see the streak. Keep the shutter pressed for 10-30 seconds and lock your breath for that duration if you can! Don't try to breathe like Baba Ramdev  
  • Trick: Use Interval Shooting mode if available on your DSLR. This function is used mostly for time-lapse photography and would be ideal for this type as well, and the best automation available once you load your camera on the tripod. Sit back, have a coffee and let the camera do the dirty work!  

Be prepared & surprised if you are lucky. I have failed miserably in 100+ attempts either getting the wrong settings or making critical judgement errors and got just 1 or 2 decent frames, all handheld without a tripod. You are not going to get an award from Lord Indra or God Zeus 

If you want to risk your life for that one brilliant frame & fame it might get you at the cost of family, it's your call but please get permission from your family whatever be your relationship status. Don't blame me if your death certificate reads 'DEATH BY LIGHTNING' 

Sharing my best unedited lightning frames from 2008 until date ...enjoy the lights & learning 


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