CARS - Kachow! Kachow! K-k-k-chow

The concept of cars being compared to humans with the basic similarities: 2 eyes (headlights), 2 hands (front tyres), 2 legs (rear tyres), a big fat mouth, etc. has been used in many animation videos. This one is altered a little bit with the eyes placed in the car's windscreen and headlights as nostrils...the big fat mouth stays where it is.
Though the movie stretches to almost 2 hours, the scriptwriters have blended it well with a storyline that frequently throws a social message to the real-humans. You'll figure it out yourself. Not many know this movie honours the Pixar animator Glenn McQueen who died in 2002, and not much refs to Steve McQueen.
The story is about a how an aggressive rookie sensation named Lightning McQueen (voiceover by Owen Wilson) learns that he cannot win a race or become a great star without a pit-crew in his life. Itz a typical American-sports movie, except that here the characters are animated. I'm damn sure if this movie is remade with Hollywod stars, certain emotional and extremely hilarious scenes by the Cars would be hard to replicate, like the rookie flashing his tongue to touch the finishing line of his maiden Pistons cup, and ending up in a 3-way tie.

Some incredible witty dialogues, fantastic graphics to the most minute level (gravel thrown from the racetrack) and super-cool voiceovers makes this a must watch for all kids, racing fans and animation freaks. Great work Pixar! Kachow! Kachow! K-k-k-chow
Moral of the story: Live life your style, but never forget your pit crew.
Also reminds me of the song "Sometimes, you can't make it on your own..." by U2.
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