One, Two, Three_, Comedy Riot!

Being a Monday morning, I initially thought this movie would put me 2 sleep again, and switched to HBO which was showing "The Matrix". On 2nd thoughts, I told myself enough of the red & blue pills and rabbit holes (no disrespect to Matrix fans), letz chekout One, Two, Three. Thoughts proved lucky for once, this is easily one of the most hilarious comedies I've ever seen, no doubt it was nominated for four awards in 1962, including the Laurel Awards "Top Comedy", thanks to James_Cagney 300kmph dialogue delivery, so smooth and crystal clear that even a Britisher could understand.
Note: Voice accent trainers and trainees in Indian BPO's should defintely chk out this movie for perfect accent.
Set in the backdrop of the ColdWar period before the Berlin wall was built, the plot revolves around how James_Cagney (in-charge of the operations of American giant Coco-Cola a.k.a Coke in West Berlin) is forced to look after his boss's daughter who is just 17, on a European tour, and already involved in many an affair with young hunks in her tour. The real fun begins after her 2-week stay when she announces that she has married a East German Communist. Shocked by the news, James_Cagney finally tries all possible tricks to break the relationship between the fierce young Communist and the young girl before they leave for Russia, and finally succeeds in getting the EG communist caught by the EG police.
The young girl becomes pregnant and her dad is on his way. Taking some advice from his beloved wife, James decides to reunite the couple, before his boss reaches the city. James decides to transform the aggressive East German communist (harcore anti-american) to a perfect Capitalist in just 2 hours. The final 45 minutes of the movie is sheer brilliance involving the makeover of the communist and presenting him to his father-in-law. Credit to the entire team for making a wonderful 115 minute movie. Hands down, the star was James Cagney, not sure how many retakes he would had for each of those speedy dialogues!!
Rating: 8/10
Quotes (not 100% exact)
"...Russian rockets, Jupiter; American rockets huh Pacific Ocean" - Young East German Communist
"reach safe, before your plane gets shot down" - Americans
Watch "The Usual Suspects" if you can get your hands on the disc. Good to know you have started blogging.