Bapooji 2 Gandhigiri...wat next?
The LageRaho Munnabhai success has suddenly transformed the Father of the Nation to a new modern war hero, and has put him ahead in the league of elites like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and other non-violent heroes of the world. The popular Bapooji has been pushed to the backseat and given way for a cool-funky Gen-x name - Gandhigiri . Wats more, he is being hailed as the Comeback Man of the Millenium...OMG!! Across the media, this name is being popularised, and Gandhiji is merchandised 10 times better than Che Guevara ( now, thats wat I call stiff competition ) his photo being printed on mugs, T-shirts, bags and even on a mouse-pad ( sounds a bit lame ), but would u believe it? Gandhigiri is all across the net, on wikipedia Orkut community Mahatma Gandhi store and what not...the list is huge!! I'm pretty sure there would be quiz contests all across the nation on the 2nd Oct only on Gandhiji and his principles, teachings, etc, no wonder the sale of boo...