Foul Pool

hahahaaaa....I've never laughed so much in a day after getting a FOUL message when playing the 3D Ultra Cool Pool Demo game today (played it after a gap of 3 years). My first shot threw the BLACK ball (No.8) out of the table. Going by the legal rules, the computer should have won or the ball should have been placed back on the table. But the game continued and even I didn't realise that the BLACK ball was missing until I arrived @ this Catch 22 situation: Me and the computer player were left with only the Cue Ball to pocket.

With no other option, I pocketed the Cue Ball and got this message "FOUL: Cue ball did not hit any balls." Technically, I should have won, but even the Computer player got the same message. Finally, I decided to end the game after 15 minutes. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY OF POOL, THERE IS A TIE ...hahah I'm happie :)


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