My Birthchart

I was alwayz confused if I belonged to the Scorpio / Libra zodiac (born on the 23rd October), so I decided to dig deep using some free astro charts on the web and this is what I found.....hurray, now I'm Dead confused. But, itz better to have traits of both zodiacs, rather than stick to one :)

If anyone understands my birthchart, plz do tell me if I'll be able 2 get my dreamjob (dunno myself) with a hefty paycheq, a good wife who can poilsh my Nike Commando shoes...and most important of all....WILL I EVER BeCoMe FAT?

If you got the answers, plz comment!


Anonymous said…
Hey Mohan,

I write this to reach you to know how you got your DISHTV working after you got 201: Card Refresh Error

Help me please

M. P. Kishor

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